7.3 Applying the Law Worksheet



Complete this worksheet to help build your case. Under “Law” write the laws that apply to your case (note the section and summarize the law). Depending on your key issues and the amount of conflict, you may need to refer to several laws.

Under “Facts” write the facts in your case that relate to the law. In the last column, combine the facts and the law to show why the law applies to your situation. Section 7.2 provides a detailed example of how to do this. Here is a simple example…

Apply the Law to the Facts
Law 1.1 – All fruit stands registered with the city can sell mangos.
1) I have a fruit stand. 2) My fruit stand is registered with the city.
I am allowed to sell mangoes.

Complete the worksheet below, based on your case.

Apply the Law to the Facts



7.3 Applying the Law Worksheet