2.7 Parenting Decisions Worksheet



Before you sit down to negotiate, think about what will be best for the children in the following areas: 


Day-to-day care and decisions
  • How will the responsibility for the care, control, and supervision of the child be shared?

  • How will the day to day decisions affecting the child be made?



Week-to-week time arrangements

  • Overall schedule and plan for the children’s transition between the parents’ homes



Holidays and special days

  • School vacations

  • Parents’ vacations with and without children



Health care decisions

  • How are the child’s health care decisions shared? (Eg. medical treatment, checkups, dental etc)



Education decisions

  • Consultation between parents about any change in school, special educational needs, tutoring, or extracurricular activities



Communication between parents

  • What type of information should be communicated about the children and how should it be communicated?

  • Communication when the child is with the other parent.



Changes in child care schedule

  • What happens if a parent cannot care for a child when scheduled?



Resolving disagreements

  • How will disagreements be resolved? (Be specific).



Other issues



2.7 Parenting Decisions Worksheet